Friday, September 6, 2019

Sports drink market in India Essay Example for Free

Sports drink market in India Essay With the changing trends in society and globalization Energy drinks market in India may show a rapid growth in coming years but for now it is at a nascent stage. Through various studies and research on Indian and British sports and energy drinks market we found out that Red Bull has the most share in this market. Through studies it has been found out that consuming energy drinks can have physical as well as psychological effects on the human body. Studies show that it can have positive effects like improvement in mental and congenital abilities and increased subjective awareness. Excess consumption can lead to various problems like insomnia, agitation, anxiety, irritability. Our objective through this assignment is to successfully launch a sports drink in the Indian market and market it using our knowledge gained from the market study and our own intellect. In this project are lay down different marketing strategies by how we can promote our product and stand against our competitors. SPORTS ENERGY DRINK MARKET IN INDIA MARKET FOR SPORTS DRINK IN INDIA TRENDS. According to the value calculated in 2012, sports and energy drink market in India grew by 17% whereas in 2011 it grew by 18%. The main reason to this decline was increasing awarness about the side effects of sports drinks. In june 2012 FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) announced that sports drinks will be renamed as â€Å"cafifeinated bevergaes†. Burn and Red Bull surpass the max. limit of caffein to be present in carbonated beverage hence they were put under the category of caffeinated beverages. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE. Red Bull is the leading seller having 72% off-trade share within energy and sports drinks in 2012. Second place goes to pepsico having an 11% off-trade value share. However Red Bull was not allowed to be sold in Tamil Nadu due to regulatory changes in sports and energy drinks in 2012. PROSPECTUS Sports drinks in India is still at a nascent stage but might become a part of the changing trends of society and urbanization. However, sales of these drinks could be negatively impacted by regulations and enforcement of statutory warnings. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) announcement that these products should be renamed as caffeinated beverages may lead to decline in sales of brands such as Red Bull and Burn. (Source : http://www. euromonitor. com/sports-and-energy-drinks-in-india/report) COCA-COLA TO LAUNCH A SPORTS DRINK IN INDIAN MARKET The world leaders of beverage drinks Coca-Cola are eager to launch their new product in the Indian Market. The America based company has come up with a sports drink named Godzilla which is to be launched in the market by end of November 2013. It is being manufactured by Hindustan Coca-Cola Pvt. Ltd. Which has it’s plant in Okhla Industrial Area, U. P. M. S. Dhoni, the Indian prodigy will be the brand ambassador for Godzilla and will be used in promotional Activities and advertisements. TARGET MARKET AND MARKETING STATERGY The research indicated that people in India do not prefer to have energy drink. Only 23% of the population prefers to consume the brand. The most important factors affection the buying decision were found to be health safety, price, lack of awareness and preference of other beverages. It was also found that 1. 66% of the energy market consists of male consumers. 2. 20-30 age group people was found to be growing rapidly and turning out to be potential buyers having an average income of 3-5 lacs. 3. The awareness about the energy drink among people is average 60-67% except age group 25-30 having an average income of more than 5 lacs (Awareness 80%). 4. People prefer to have energy occasionally (parties, social gathering etc) with soft drink or neat Sunadulterated. 5. People like to drink mostly in home or restaurants and 44% of the respondents feel that in the future energy drinks can compete with popular beverages like soft drinks, juices and other non-alcoholic beverages. (Source: http://www. technopak. com/Files/Energy_Drinks. pdf) MARKET OF ENERGY DRINKS IN U. K. RESEARCH METHADOLOGY LOCATION FREQUENCY PERCENT CUMILATIVE % RETAIL STORES 5 16% 94% GYMS 3 6% 66% CLUBS 3 10% 60% JOGGERS PARK 1 3% 69% RESTAURANTS 4 15% 91% SPORTS CLUB 3 9% 100% CAFE 2 7% 76% TOTAL 29 100%. The survey indicates that people prefer having sports drink in home and sports club Which leads to the possibility of the brand being promoted in the friend circle and family. This will be our target market. VALUE FOR MONEY (Indian Customers) VALUE FOR MONEY FREQUENCY PERCENT Yes 6 21% No 12 40% Can’t Say 11 39% TOTAL 29 100% The Indian customers are very price sensitive and look for value for money when they purchase a product. The high price of energy drinks is the main drawback in promoting and positioning this brand in India.

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