Wednesday, September 25, 2019

I could not travel both Discuss its connotation and denotation Essay

I could not travel both Discuss its connotation and denotation - Essay Example Reader can find both denotative and connotative layers of meaning through different images. Externally, the poem Road not Taken describes poet’s experience to choose a road which he felt enough comfort to travel. The speaker has no doubt taken the less common road, but he tells us only that it made all the difference, not what that difference was (Little & Bloom 132). Through the brilliant use of metaphor and imagery poet gives the real tension to the mind of the reader. Poet states the reader that when he reaches near the forest the road diverges into two and poet really confuses and after a serious evaluation poet chooses the second one. Poet reveals his helplessness by saying; â€Å"I could not travel both†. Poet is a single person and he cannot walk through both roads at the same time. In connotative way, the two roads mentioned here are two professions. In his youth Frost faced severe emotional conflict in selecting suitable profession; profession of a teacher and the profession of the poet. When the time of selection, poet evaluates both advantages and disadvantages of both professions deeply and both of them haunt him for a long time.

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