Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Gang Culrure - Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gang Culrure - Methodology - Essay Example The researcher included all individuals regardless of any sort of difference between them, such as, religious, ethnic, racial, and gender differences. The researcher aimed to get an insight into factors that promote formation of gangs among youth. The researcher included participants based on following criteria: (a) age limit of 12 tom 18 because this is the age when the risk of joining gangs to get favors is at the highest level, (b) current or past involvement in gangs, (c) people who had faced some sort of harassment in past, (d) people having good social acceptance, (e) people showing good school performances. The ethical consideration for this particular research topic was the privacy of information provided by the participants. The researcher took all participants in confidence by ensuring them that their personal information would not be used elsewhere. The researcher conduced a longitudinal study to determine the differences between people who are part of a gang and those who are not. The subjects were asked to fill in a questionnaire that was mainly designed to investigate the reasons behind formation of groups and the differences between in-gang and not-in-gang people. Data gathered from these surveys provided the researcher with important information regarding the issue. The questionnaire was prepared using Likert scale model and was distributed among participants through emails. The questions included in the questionnaire were good enough to obtain required information. There was no bias in the questions as all of them were general and were meant to gather a particular set of information. Some of the main questions included in the questionnaire were: These questions were very helpful in getting relevant information about the thoughts and behaviors of people who are part of gangs. The researcher evaluated the questionnaires to determine if modification would be necessary for further study. The

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