Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Perceptual Errors Essay - 763 Words
Perceptual Errors Perceptual Organization (1) #61607; Similarity is described as the tendency to group similar items. Similarity is much like stereotyping. Stereotyping is when someone judges another person on the perception of the group to which that person belongs. #61607; Proximity is described as the tendency to group elements that are close together. Implicit theories allow the presence of one characteristic to bring up a list of other characteristics that one would â€Å"think†goes with it. Implicit theories group elements that close together. #61607; Closure is the tendency to fill in the gaps in incomplete stimuli. A perception of people that apply to closure would be the Halo Effect. The halo effect allows one†¦show more content†¦When the proctor noticed the student looking around the room during the exam he was evaluating that students behavior with the behavior of the other students who were all looking down at their desks taking their exams. (CONTRAST) Later, when the proctor saw the student and his classmate talking to one another he assumed the two students were cheating. The proctor was selectively interpreting what he saw on the basis of his background and experience as a professor. (SELECTIVE PERCEPTION) When the proctor finally accused the student of cheating the proctor had no evidence †¦ he didn’t hear the students’ conversation or see the student looking at other’s exams. The professor judged the student on his perception of what was possible going on in a group of students during an exam. (STEREOTYPING) (3) An Example Of A Time That I Was Misperceived I am from Kansas City and moved to Salisbury a year ago. Well, when people would find out that I was from Kansas many thought that I must have lived on a farm, had never seen the ocean, that I must be unsophisticated and if I knew â€Å"Dorothy.†Much to everyone’s surprise I grew up in a big city and went to the beach every summer for vacation. I wasn’t the unsophisticated â€Å"hick†everyone thought. People who met me for the first time stereotyped me with their perceptions of the Midwest. There are a lot of farms in Kansas but I didn’t live on one. People also used selectiveShow MoreRelatedDynamic Systems Approach : Effect Of Prior Experience On Location Memory Throughout Development2889 Words  | 12 Pages and colleagues questioned Piaget’s A-not –B errors which happens when babies make errors when trying to remember where an object is hidden and revert to where they last remember the object being not at the current loca tion. Smith, Thelen, and colleagues believe it is more of a dynamic systems approach, than an error of stage IV of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development which is titled the object concept. 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People tend to homogenize others within social categories. Stereotypes developing from the grouping of traits. 2. What other perceptual error is apparent in this case study? The other perceptual error in this case study is the halo effect that can occurs when general impression of a person, usually based on one prominent characteristics, dissorts our perception of other characteristics of that person. IfRead MoreHy Diaries Inc913 Words  | 4 Pagesdefine ourselves terms of our differences with people who belong to groups. People tend to homogenize others within social categories. Stereotypes developing from the grouping of traits. 2. What other perceptual error is apparent in this case study? The other perceptual error in this case study is the halo effect that can occurs when general impression of a person, usually based on one prominent characteristics, dissorts our perception of other characteristics of that person. If
Monday, December 16, 2019
2001 dot-com Bubble its causes, effect, and lessons learnt Free Essays
Abstract This paper looks at the causes, effects, and lessons learnt from the 2001 dot-com bubble financial crisis. To support my statements I investigate a variety of sources, including recently published academic journals, newspaper articles, books, and market reports. I find that the so called â€Å"Get Big Fast†business model that many dot-com companies employed was fundamentally flawed, and after the bubble burst many companies have found it more beneficial to move to a more prudent model. We will write a custom essay sample on 2001 dot-com Bubble: its causes, effect, and lessons learnt or any similar topic only for you Order Now Introduction The dot-com bubble was a historic speculative bubble in the stock market which occurred in the years on 1995 to 2000. As an indicator of the bubble, the NASDAQ composite index is often quoted. The NASDAQ composite index rose from 751.49 to 5,132.52, a 682% increase, from January 1995 to March 2000 (Appendix A, B). In this work, I look at factors that may have caused the 2001 dot-com bubble to grow and then subsequently burst. I look into the role of the media, interest rates, venture capital, and finally the â€Å"Get Big Fast†business model. Next I look at the effect the 2001 dot-com bubble had on companies, considering measures of survival, levels of mergers and acquisitions, and changes in image to remove association with those times, but also on investor confidence. Finally, I look at what lessons may have been learnt from the dot-com era. Cause American publications such as Forbes and the Wall Street Journal encouraged the public to invest in risky companies despite many of the companies’ disregard for basic financial and even legal principles (Lowenstein, 2004). Buffett (2000) says â€Å"Equity investors currently seem wildly optimistic in their expectations about future returns.†However, not only can the media be argued to have caused the huge growth of investment, but it can, according to Niederhoffer and Kenner (2003), also be attributed to its demise. They speak in particular about Alan Green’s â€Å"irrational exuberance†speech in December 1996 setting of a chain of events that leads to an eventual â€Å"reaction against technology, optimism, and growth†. In reality, of course, no financial crisis can be sensibly attributed to just one cause. It is more likely instead to be a combination of many. For example, the low interest rate in 1998-99 has been said to have helped increase the start-up capital amounts and lead to increased venture capital being offered (Metrik, 2007). The coining of the â€Å"Get Big Fast†belief started during the dot-com era. The initial start-ups operated with a short-term loss business plan, insisting that by grabbing the market share and dominating their specific sectors they could then charge what they wanted at a later date. Recent research (Goldfarb, Kirsch and Miller, 2006) suggests that many companies would have had better success targeting smaller niche markets. In addition, they say that the â€Å"Get Big Fast†belief drove investor behaviour during the period leading to more stocks bought and companies became overpriced. So, as a combination of a number of factors, the bubble burst and the effects were widespread. Effect The effects of the bubble bursting were that several companies went bankrupt. An example is WorldCom who admitted to billions of dollars of accounting errors (Tran, M., 2002), and as a consequence the stock price fell so drastically they had to file for bankruptcy. Many other struggling companies became acquired or merged with other companies. Aharon et al. (2010) found that there was an increase in mergers and acquisitions during the dot-com bubble. Interestingly, they also found that the pricing of mergers and acquisitions did not change. Mintel (2010) states: â€Å"The investment bond market was badly hit by the bursting of the dot com bubble in the early noughties and has been in perpetual decline ever since – in 2002†. Many companies changed their names to remove any association as a dotcom company. Cooper et al. (2005) mention how during the bear market of the early 2000s â€Å"investors react positively to name changes for firms that remove dot.com from their name†. Lessons learnt Within the technology sector, Parsons (2012) argues that greater prudence is ensuring the â€Å"sector is financially solid and is currently the only one to have more cash on its balance sheet than debt†. There also seems to be an awareness of the damage to Initial Public Offerings by companies. Recent research (Pilbeam and Nagle, 2009) suggest that â€Å"the high-tech IPO market was dramatically affected by the Dot-Com Crash and that after the crash, the number of high-tech IPOs dropped considerably†. Many companies moved away from the â€Å"Get Big Fast†belief that epitomised the dotcom era, seeing that it was not sustainable as business model. Eventually these companies would have to start to a get the fundamentals right and turn in a profit. So many were being started too quickly, all with the business plan of monopolising their particular market place, which inevitably not everyone could succeed and many as a consequence folded. Berlin (2008) says â€Å"Many of the companies that survived the dot-com bust did so by ignoring the prevailing â€Å"Get Big Fast†business model†. He talks about research by David Kirsch and the Dot Com Archive that found that they referred â€Å"micro niches†which were markets that did not offer huge profits quickly, but instead presented viable internet-based business opportunities. Companies that had learnt from the dot-com bubble were not believing that life-altering changes would happen over-night. Many believe that lessons have not been learnt from the 2001 dot-com bubble financial crisis. Many think that we are in another social media bubble currently which has very analogous characteristics to the 2001 dot-com bubble (Vass, 2012; Foley, 2012). Conclusion In this essay I have looked at the cause, effect, and lessons learnt from the 2001 dot-com bubble financial crisis. The cause unsurprisingly does not seem to come down to one single factor. The media clearly played a large part in making investors over confident during the growth and then overly pessimistic leading to its eventual demise. However, I also found that an unsound business model of the time, â€Å"Get Big Fast†, played a major role too. I found evidence that more prudent business model based on modest profits had lead to the technology sector recovering. As always, history has a habit of repeating itself, and I also looked into the believe of some that lessons have not been learnt by Social Media companies and that we may be in another Social Media bubble right now with characteristics very similar to that of the dot-com crisis. Appendix: Line graph illustrating the 2001 dot-com bubble Figure 1: The close price of the NASDAQ Composite (Yahoo! ticker symbol ^IXIC) from 2nd January 1990 until the beginning of 2012. The graph clearly illustrates the 2001 dot-com bubble, where the value of the NASQAQ composite rises steeply up until its peak in February. Data is taken from Yahoo! Finance Historical Prices available at http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=^IXIC. Appendix: Table showing the extreme of the NASDAQ Composite price Table 1: Historical prices of the NASDAQ Composite (Yahoo! ticker symbol ^IXIC) at the start of its growth in 1995, to its peak in 2000, to its huge fall in 2002. Data is taken from Yahoo! Finance Historical Prices available at http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=^IXIC. References Aharon, D.Y., Gavious, I., Yosef, R., 2010. Stock market bubble effects on mergers and acquisitions. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 50(4), pp.456-470. Buffett, W., 2000. Warren Buffet’s Letters to Berkshire Shareholders. Berkshire Hathaway Inc., 1 March Berlin, L., 2008. Lessons of Survival, From the Dot-Com Attic. The New York Times, 21 November. Cooper, M. J., Khorana, A., Osobov, I., Patel, A. and Rau, P.R. , 2005. Managerial Actions in Response to a Market Downturn: Valuation Effects of Name Changes in the Dot.com Decline. Journal of Corporate Finance, 11(1-2), pp. 319-335. Foley, S., 2012. Is the dot com bubble about to burstThe Independent, 4 August. Goldfarb, B.D., Kirsch, D., Miller, D., 2006. Was There Too Little Entry During the Dot Com EraRobert H. Smith School Research Paper No. RHS 06-029, 24 April. Lowenstein, R., 2004. Origins of the Crash: The Great Bubble and Its Undoing. New York: Penguin Press. Metrick, A., 2007. Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Mintel, 2010. Investment Bonds: Mintel marketing report. February 2010. London:Mintel International. Niederhoffer, V. And Kenner, L. 2003. Practical Speculation. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Parsons, A., 2012. Tech firms learn lessons of dotcom bubble. The Share Centre, 10 June. Pilbeam, K. and Nagle, F., 2009. High-Tech IPOs in the US, UK and Europe after the Dot-Com Bubble. International Journal of Financial Services Management, 4(1), pp.64-75. Tran, M., 2002. WorldCom accounting scandal. Guardian, 9 August. Vass, S., 2012. The new dotcom bubbleSunday Herald, 13 May. How to cite 2001 dot-com Bubble: its causes, effect, and lessons learnt, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Future of the Retail Store for Nine Line Apparel -myassignmenthelp
Question: Write about theFuture of the Retail Store for Nine Line Apparel. Answer: Nine Line Apparel real store has been operating online in order to get more customers. The manager of the real store explains how it has been difficult to adopt the e-platform for business operations. To make online operations effective, Nine Line Apparel had to change with changing technological business needs. Changing of business operations according to technological advancements made it possible to adopt more than 75% of customers to their online shopping platform. While adopting online business transactions, it was quite challenging to choose from various alternatives the best mode of operations which was best suited the real store (Stephens 2017, P. 56). The main two options which seemed viable for Nine Line Apparel are; desktop platform application or Mobile platform applications. Later, Nine Line Apparel business adopted both mobile application and desktop platforms since most of its customers had access to computers and mobile phones. Up to date, the real store has noticed a n increase on sales of 1.24% and 1% on both mobile and desktop platforms respectively. Besides, Nine Line Apparel reduced product bounce rate by 11% while increase in customer has hit 10,000. To make online stores more effective, Katawetawaraks Wang (2011, p. 67) focuses on online customer decision making process while comparing it with offline decision making. Though there is difference between the two, comparing the two alternative gives a clear implication on what influences online customer to buy the product or shun away from the product. After a thoughtful considerations, both offline and online purchasing had more attributes that are common. The only difference was on physical inspection and interaction of product before buying. When customer security is guaranteed, online purchasing attracts more customers than offline buying. This was mainly attributed with convenience in terms of buying and delivery. The article also focuses on factors that impedes online buying such as unsecured customer payments and slow shipping and poor technology infrastructure between customers and suppliers. Lastly, according to Katawetawaraks Wang (2011, p. 70), managers of retail store s have a responsibility to decide what has to be done to attract more customers. Managers should make sure there is trust between retail and customers, user friendly platform has been established and money back guarantee in cases product fails to meet customer satisfaction. Similarly, according to Bui Kemp (2013), online buying can be influence by other factors such as previous online experience, customer emotions and norms. Due to the nature and experience of shopping in regard to technological advancement, online retail business has changed and integrated many aspects. Online retailing has moved from just buying of product, it has to factor how customers get their product and if it meets their needs. The point of buying has to meet customer needs and security measures. This brings up an integrated model that incorporates different aspects that makes online customer feel satisfied and willing to come for more product (Klanten, Ehmann Borges 2013, P. 145). The article evaluates intensive aspect on various theories that influence online buying and positive correlation between customer norms, emotional response and repeat actions of online buying process. Bibliography Katawetawaraks, C Wang, C. 2011. Online Shopper Behavior: Influences of Online Shopping Decision. Asian Journal of Business Research Volume 1 Number 2 2011.pp. 66-72 Klanten, R., Ehmann, S., Borges, S. 2013. Brand spaces: branded architecture and the future of retail design. Berlin, Gestalten. M-y Bui Elyria Kemp. 2013. "E-tail emotion regulation: examining online hedonic product purchases. International Journal of Retail Distribution Management, Vol. 41 Iss: 2 pp. 155 170 Stephens, D. 2017. Reengineering retail: the future of selling in a post-digital world. Figure 1 Publishing.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled Essays
One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. "What's happened to me?" he thought. It wasn't a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table - Samsa was a travelling salesman - and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Drops
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
model qq Essay Example
model qq Essay Example model qq Essay model qq Essay SCIENCE SOURCES OF ENERGY {SAMPLE QUESTION AND ANSWER} 1 . Which of following is more environment friendly? Burning of coal (b) burning of fire wood (c) burning of charcoal (d) Burning of diesel. 2. Major problem in harnessing nuclear energy is to split heavy nucleus (b) sustain nuclear reactions (c) Convert nuclear energy into electricity (d) dispose off nuclear waste. 3. Fusion reaction is also known as chemical reaction (b) elastic scattering (c) thermonuclear reaction (d) photo nuclear reaction 4. India exploded her first under ground nuclear device at Ranchi (b) Kota (c) Jaipur d) Pokhran 5. Although charcoal is a clean and deter source of heat energy yet it cannot be used as a domestic fuel because it cause environmental pollution (b) produce less heat energy (c) cannot be stored easily (d) is expensive fuel 6. Write two advantages of using solar cooker? 7. Suggest two ways to reduce energy consumption? 8. What is geothermal energy? Write its advantages? 9. Why are many thermal power plants set up near coal or oil fields? (2) 10. Name three forms in which energy from ocean is made available for use. What are OTEC power plants? How do they operate? (3) 11. List three forms of energy we use when we wake up from morning till we reach the school. Also from where we get these different forms of energy? (3) 12. Compare and contrast bio- mass and hydro-electricity as source of energy. The production cost of hydroelectricity is cheaper than the electricity produced in a thermal power station. Explain why? 13. What kind of mirror concave, convex or plane would be best suited for the use in a solar cooker. Why? What is the role of glass sheet used in a solar cooker? Also write two disadvantages of using a solar cooker? 14. (i) What is biogas? Name two main combustible components of biogas? What is the use of spent slurry in a biogas plant? (iii) Name the microorganisms responsible for the fermentation of slurry in the digester? ANSWERS 6. (i) Pollution free Nutrition value of food is preserved when food is cooked inside a solar cooker. 7. (i) Fuels used for burning must be extinguished as soon as their use is over. (it) Bulb, fans and other electrical appliances must be switched off as you leave your room. . The heat energy obtained from hot rocks present in earths crust of geo thermal energy. The advantages of geo thermal energy are- i) Environment friendly. (it) Cost of converting geo-thermal energy into electricity is less. 9. The thermal power plants are usually set up near coal or oil fields so that the fuel is easily available and the problem of air pollution while transporting the fuel may be minimized. 10. (i) Muscular energy to perform different activities like taking bath, climbing stairs and muscular energy comes from food we eat. it) Fossil fuel energy used in bus or car to reach the school and this energy come from fossil fuels like petrol, diesel and CNG. (iii) Chemical energy in the form of breakfast and it lso comes from the food we eat. 11. (i) Tidal energy (it) Ocean waves energy (iii) Ocean thermal energy OTEC power plants are ocean thermal energy conversion plants. For operating OTEC temperature difference of 200C or more between the surface water of ocean and inside water of ocean is required to boil liquid like ammonia or chlorofluorocarbon (CFC). The vapors of the liquid at high pressure used to rotate the turbine of the generator to produce electricity. 12. BIOMASS HYDROELECTRICITY 1 . Energy supplied by the burning of biomass causes pollution. 2. Energy can obtained by burning it directly or by a gobar gas plant. . lt does not cause any pollution. 2. Hydroelaectricity can be obtained by constructing dams. In a thermal power station coal is burnt to produce electricity where as hydroelectricity is produced by allowing the water to fall on turbines. Water in rivers is available free of cost but the cost of extracting and transporting coal is very high. 13. Concave mirror will be best suited for the use in solar cooker because it concentrates all the sunlight to a point after reflection from the mirror and thus raises the temperature of that point. Plane glass plate does not allow the infrared or eat radiation entered in the box to go outside the box thus heating the box and creating green house effect. The two disadvantages of using a solar cooker are (i) Food cannot be cooked at night and on a cloudy day by using a solar cooker. it) Food cannot be cooked quickly by using a solar cooker. 14. (i) Biogas is a mixture of various gases formed when the animal dung mixed with water is allowed to decompose in the absence of air. The two combustible component of biogas are CH4 and H2 gas. (it) The spent slurry in biogas plant is rich in nitrogen and phosphorous required for the growth of plants and hence can be used as a manure. iii) An aerobic micro- organism. 1 . A solar cooker may not cook food if. (1) (a) Interior of the box and the container of food are perfectly shining. b) Glass sheet over the box is not closed. (c) Solar cooker is placed in the shade. (d) All the above. 2. Radiations which are harmful to the living organisms are (1) (a) Infrared radiation. (b) ultraviolet radiations (c) Visible radiation. (d) micro waves 3. Solar cells are made of (1) (a) metals (b) insulator (c)semi conductors (d) none of these 4. The main constituent of CNG is (1) (a) butane (b) methane (c) ethane (d) propane 5. Which of the following is not a bio mass energy source? (1) (a) gobar gas (b) coal (c) wood (d) nuclear energy 6. Hydro power is a renewable source of energy. Justify. (2) 7. Write two qualities of an ideal source of energy? (2) 8. What are the advantages of nuclear energy? (2) 9. Name two activities in our daily life in which solar energy is used? (2) 10. (a) Distinguish between renewable and non- renewable sources of energy? (b) Choose the renewable source of energy from the following list: coal, biogas, sun, natural gas. 1 1 . (a) name the device used to convert (i) Solar energy in to heat and it) solar energy in to electricity. (b) explain the working of windmill (3) 12. What is biogas? How can biogas be obtained? Why is the use of biogas obtained from cow dung advised in preference to burning of cow dung cakes? (3) 13. What are the limitations of extracting energy from (a) the wind (b) waves (c) tides (3) 14. A student constructed a box type solar cooker. He found that if did not work Efficiently. What could this be due to? Give any four possible mistakes in the solar construction and operation of the cooker what maximum temperature Can ordinarily be reached inside a solar cooker? . (d) All the above 2. (b) Ultraviolet 3. (a) Seine conductors 4. b) Methane 5. (d) Nuclear energy 6. Hydro power is a renewable source of energy because if is derived from the renewable source of energy i. e. Sun. 7. The tow qualities of an ideal source if energy are- (i) It does not cause environ mental pollution- (it) Economical. 8. Advantages of nuclear energy- (i) A small quantity of fuel provides large amount of energy. (it) The nuclear fuel once inserted in nuclear power plant give s large amount of energy for a longer period of time. 9. (i) For cooking food using solar cookers. For drying clothes and food grains. 10. a) Difference between renewable and non-renewable sources : Renewable Sources Non-Renewable Sources The sources of energy which can never be finished and are continuously supplied by nature are known as renewable sources of energy. The sources of energy which are exhaustible (can be finished) and took lots of time to be formed again are known as non-renewable sources of energy. For example : Wind, the Sun, Bio-Gas, Hydro-power etc For example : Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum etc. (b) Biogas and the sun are renewable sources of energy 11 . (a) (i) Solar cooker it) Solar cell. b) When the wind blows with a minimum speed of 1 5km/hr, the kinetic energy of the wind is used to rotate the blades of wind mill. The rotation energy of the blades is used to rotate the armature of the generator and generator in turn produce electricity. 12. Biogas is a mixtur e of gases namely methane, C02, H2 and H2S. it is obtained from an aerobic decomposition of cow dung and plants and animal wastes in a biogas plants. Biogas is advised for burning in preference to burning of cow- dung cakes because: (i) it cause no air pollution (it) It is a cheaper source of energy. 13. ) Wind energy is not sufficient to operate heavy machines and moreover it is limited to a certain place. (b) Energy of the waves can be extracted only if strong wind blows all the time across the sea. (c) Tidal power plant can extract the tidal energy from the water levels of high tide and low tide is very large. 14. He might have committed some mistakes. (i) Interior of the solar cooker not painted in black colour. (it) Instead of glass sheet, plastic sheet is used to cover it. (iii) Solar cooker is without insulation. (iv) Black containers have not been used. Maximum temperature is 1400C in solar cooker.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Trata de personas y efectos migratorios en EEUU
Trata de personas y efectos migratorios en EEUU La trata de personas es una felonà a grave en el que una persona –el victimario– capta, recluta, transporta o aloja a la và ctima mediante el uso de fuerza fà sica, amenazas, secuestro, fraude, mentiras o abuso de situacià ³n de superioridad. El fin es explotar a la và ctima sexualmente o forzarla a trabajar en condiciones similares a la esclavitud o a la servidumbre, o para extraer de su cuerpo uno o varios à ³rganos. Tambià ©n se considera trata de personas forzar a la và ctima a mendigar, a producir pornografà a, a contraer un matrimonio de conveniencia, a vender a un hijo o a operar como soldado o guerrillero. Este artà culo informa sobre la situacià ³n del trfico de personas en EE.UU., las leyes que aplican a este delito, las exenciones migratorias para las và ctimas y quà © hacer si se sospecha de trfico de personas. Puntos clave: Trata de personas y efectos migratorios en EEUU En el delito de trata de personas, el victimario engaà ±a o fuerza a la và ctima, quien es explotada sexual o laboralmente.En EE.UU. la trata de personas es un delito federal castigado con penas de 10 aà ±os a cadena perpetua. El extranjero condenado por esta felonà a es deportado.Las và ctimas de trata de personas en EE.UU. pueden solicitar la visa T para permanecer en el paà s junto con sus familiares inmediatos.Para reportar trata de personas o solicitar ayuda, marque gratis y confidencialmente al 1 (888) 373-7888. Se habla espaà ±ol. Datos sobre el trfico de personas en Estados Unidos La Organizacià ³n Mundial del Trabajo estima que, en la actualidad, 25 millones de personas en todo el mundo son và ctimas de trata de personas, siendo el 75 por ciento de ellas mujeres o nià ±os. Este es un problema que tambià ©n existe en Estados Unidos, por lo que las leyes de este paà s establecen castigos para los victimarios y ayuda para las và ctimas. Adems, si las và ctimas son extranjeras, podrà an calificar para el alivio migratorio o exencià ³n conocido como visa T para và ctimas de trfico humano. Segà ºn Polaris, la principal agencia de lucha contra la trata de personas en Estados Unidos, cientos de miles de personas son và ctimas de este delito. En el aà ±o 2017, se reportaron a la Là nea Caliente Nacional del Trfico de Personas (NHTH, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) un total de 8.759 casos de trata de personas en el paà s, que afectaron a ms de 10.000 và ctimas, casi 5.000 victimarios y 1.500 negocios. Las principales causas de denuncia por trata de personas fueron la explotacià ³n sexual, donde la edad media de las và ctimas era de 19 aà ±os, seguido de la combinacià ³n de explotacià ³n sexual y abuso laboral que se desarrolla en lugares como locales de masaje ilegales, strip clubs o cantinas. En tercer lugar de frecuencia en los casos de denuncia figura la explotacià ³n laboral, incluyendo casos de servidumbre domà ©stica, explotacià ³n en el trabajo agrà cola y mendicidad forzada. Del total de casos reportados, el 80 por ciento de las và ctimas eran mujeres y nià ±as, y el 35 por ciento de los casos en los que se reportà ³ el grupo à ©tnico, este era el latino. Leyes de EEUU sobre trata de personas y sus castigos En Estados Unidos, las leyes federales sobre trata de personas son las ms importantes y tienen aplicacià ³n en todo el paà s. La ms relevante es la Ley de Proteccià ³n de Và ctimas de Trfico Humano (TVPA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) que se aprobà ³ en el aà ±o 2000 y que incluyà ³ a este delito dentro de la categorà a de crà menes federales. Adems, creà ³ la visa T para proteger a los migrantes và ctimas de trata de personas. Tambià ©n son importantes el conjunto de leyes que se conoce como Ley de Reautorizacià ³n de Proteccià ³n de Và ctimas de Trfico Humano (TVPRA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que fueron aprobadas entre 2003 y 2013. En particular destaca la de 2003, en la que se establece que el delito de trfico humano puede ser juzgado de acuerdo a las provisiones del Estatuto de Organizaciones del Crimen Organizado, conocido en inglà ©s por las siglas RICO. En otras palabras, a los acusados de trfico humano se les puede juzgar con las mismas leyes que aplican a la mafia. Tambià ©n es de destacar la ley aprobada en 2008, la cual exige que se examine a todos los nià ±os que llegan solos a la frontera de Estados Unidos para determinar si son và ctimas de trata de personas. Finalmente, la Ley Mann de 1910 que califica de felonà a el persuadir o forzar a otra persona a cruzar de un estado a otro para ejercer la prostitucià ³n y que es utilizada frecuentemente para juzgar el delito de trata de personas. Todas estas leyes estn codificadas en el Capà tulo 78, Tà tulo 22 del Cà ³digo de los Estados Unidos. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que adems de las leyes federales, aplican las leyes del estado donde se cometa el delito. En cuanto al castigo por trata de personas, las penas pueden ir de diez aà ±os a cadena perpetua, dependiendo de las caracterà sticas del crimen. Adems, es posible perder la propiedad sobre las instalaciones en las que se hubiera alojado a las và ctimas extranjeras de este delito, en aplicacià ³n de la Ley de Incautacià ³n de Bienes Civiles (CAFRA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Asimismo, si el victimario condenado por la felonà a de trata de personas es extranjero, ser deportado al cumplir su pena de prisià ³n. Dichas personas son consideradas, desde el punto de vista migratorio, como inadmisibles para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Exencià ³n o alivio migratorio para và ctimas de trata de personas Cada aà ±o fiscal, las autoridades de Estados Unidos aprueban un mximo de 5.000 visas T para và ctimas de trata de personas. Los beneficiados y sus familiares inmediatos pueden quedarse en el paà s y solicitar, a los tres aà ±os, una tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Para obtener este beneficio migratorio es necesario cumplir una serie de requisitos estrictos. En primer lugar, ser và ctima de trata de personas calificada como grave. Tienen dicha consideracià ³n las và ctimas de trfico sexual y las de trfico laboral. En segundo lugar, la và ctima debe estar presente en Estados Unidos, Samoa Americana, Islas Marianas Americanas o en un puerto de entrada. En este à ºltimo caso, la razà ³n debe ser precisamente porque en ese momento se est intentando ingresar a la và ctima a EE.UU. para explotarla sexual o laboralmente. En tercer lugar, para recibir la visa T, la và ctima de trata de personas debe colaborar con las autoridades en la investigacià ³n del caso. La à ºnica excepcià ³n aplica a los menores de 18 aà ±os, si no estuvieran en condiciones de hacerlo. En cuarto lugar, la và ctima debe ser considerada admisible desde el punto de vista migratorio o, si no lo es, solicitar y obtener un perdà ³n o waiver correspondiente.Y en quinto y à ºltimo lugar, la và ctima debe demostrar que sufrirà a dureza extrema en forma de daà ±o inusual y severo si tuviera que regresar a su paà s de origen. Para solicitar la visa T la và ctima debe enviar al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) el formulario gratuito I-914 y acompaà ±arlo del I-914 Suplemento B. Debido a la complejidad de estas visas y a la situacià ³n de indocumentados de los solicitantes es altamente recomendable contar con la asesorà a de un abogado para dichas planillas. Adems, si la và ctima solicita la visa para sus familiares, debe tambià ©n enviar al USCIS el formulario I-914 Suplemento A. En cuanto a los familiares que pueden incluirse, la respuesta depende de la edad de la và ctima. Asà , si tiene 21 aà ±os de edad o ms, puede solicitar la visa T para su cà ³nyuge y para sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Por el contrario, si la và ctima es menor de 21 aà ±os, puede solicitar la visa para su cà ³nyuge, hijos, padres y hermanos solteros menores de 18 aà ±os. Si el gobierno aprueba la visa T, su beneficiario obtendr al mismo tiempo un permiso de trabajo. La visa es vlida por tres aà ±os y al finalizar ese plazo se puede solicitar la tarjeta de residencia permanente mediante trmite que se conoce como ajuste de estatus. Mientras se resuelve la solicitud de la visa T, los solicitantes deben consultar sobre los posibles beneficios que pueda brindar el estado en donde residen. Por ejemplo, en California se podrà a tener derecho a ocho meses de asistencia econà ³mica, adems de cupones de alimentos y seguro mà ©dico a travà ©s de Medi-Cal. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta los cambios legislativos recientes sobre quà © es beneficio pà ºblico y sus efectos migratorios, se recomienda consultar con un abogado antes de solicitarlos.  ¿Dà ³nde reportar sospechas de trfico de personas y encontrar organizaciones de ayuda? Polaris es la organizacià ³n sin fin de lucro a cargo de la là nea caliente nacional para reportar el delito de trata de personas o solicitar ayuda. Se puede marcar gratuita y confidencialmente al 1(888) 373-7888, donde atienden en ms de 200 idiomas, incluido el espaà ±ol. Tambià ©n se puede contactar en las redes sociales o enviando el mensaje de texto BeFree al 233733. Adems, todas las grandes organizaciones de ayuda a los migrantes pueden ayudar a las và ctimas o referirlas adecuadamente. Finalmente, Kids in Need of Defense y Coalition to Abolish Slavery Trafficking son dos organizaciones muy comprometidas a brindar ayuda en casos de trata de personas, incluida la asesorà a legal a migrantes. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The market situation and current issues relevant for Lohospo Assignment
The market situation and current issues relevant for Lohospo - Assignment Example Center of discussion in this paper is Lohospo, a service agency for hosts in the region of Freiburg and Schwarzward. The main aim of the Lohospo is to offering access to tourism and hospitality related marketing and distribution scheme for small and medium sized hosts, who avail their accommodation services part-time with the opportunities of the Internet. The study includes current rate of potential hosts, holiday’s homes, and bed and breakfasts of Bodensee market and also the way in which this hosts are mainly attract there guests. â€Å"Bodensee Standort Marketing GmbH is a supraregional business promotion service and contact partner for the international business region of Lake Constance†and at the same time there are also lots of competitors in the market, who are offering online booking services. The main purpose of the Individual Consultancy Study is to offer useful foundation to motivate interest of the private sector. The findings will outline a sound foundati on for the private sector to carry out further research in development plans on Bodensee market. The Government is open-minded on the growth of Bodensee market. Demand of the Market will be the driving factor for such growths. Any growth will have to take into consideration the environmental insinuations and guarantee sustainability. The Tourism Commission is a co-organizing party in government to manage tourism developments in Bodensee market. The Tourism Commission will carry on playing the helping role in promoting the private sector with additional explore suggestions for Bodensee market. There is a rising universal trend for persons who are planning their holiday to consist of bath and resort rudiments in their vacation itinerate. â€Å"Tourism Industry Growth in any country is prone to the changing economic conditions. In the event when a country is passing through a low phase or an individual's job is at stake, not many people choose to travel†(Tourism Industry Growth 2010). As a well-known tourist destination, it is significant for Bodensee market to examine the possible cost and advantages and recognize main issues of rising world class facilities in the Bodensee market, in the strategic perspective of further developing the position of Bodensee market as a tourist centre. To enter Lohospo into the Bodensee market, it is very much necessary to understand the current issues and condition of the market. An hotelier always intends to provide his consumers with whole high-quality experience; part of it is in the destination data provided by devoted concierge and other hotel workers. â€Å"The internet enables customers to search for information even before their arrival. Hotels can use this opportunity to provide pre arrival highly relevant information whilst maintaining a continuance relationship with its customer’s right after the booking process†(Stay Planner for Hotels 2007). The Strategic Aims of Entering Lohospo in the Bodense e Market Were: To widen the range of tourism services, providing to the extremely high-end segment of the market with a kind of facility that can extend tourists stay and improve the tourism experience. To optimize the possible benefits of existing resources in improving Bodensee market picture and status as a tourist destination. To contribute to a long-standing tourism growth of Bodensee market, for it to offer an extensive range of world class tourist services, appeals and experiences. To cautiously inspect the possible demand for bath and associated resort and leisure services, suitable to Bodensee market particularly tourism growth and climatic context. To carry out market research and assessments to determine the most suitable kind of facilities based
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Love is a theme long explored by poets whether it is love won or lost, Essay
Love is a theme long explored by poets whether it is love won or lost, unrequited love, erotic love or familial love. Show how poets work within this classic theme in at least two poems - Essay Example â€Å"Funeral Blues†talks about how the extinguishing of one’s love in death seems to extinguish everything else in life, how one cannot imagine the world continuing when one’s beloved has died. â€Å"When You Are Old†takes a slightly different track, focusing on the wide variety of loves one experiences throughout one’s life, either â€Å"false or true†(l. 6) and from a wide variety of people. But this poem also contains a touch of the triste, asking the subject to remember how â€Å"Love fled†to be lost â€Å"among the stars,†which could either refer to an unrequited love (for example, in the subject’s youth) or losing one’s love â€Å"among the stars†through their death (l. 10-11). One of the most interesting things about these poems it that they both adhere to a very strict rhyme scheme that they does not vary in the slightest throughout. Auden’s rhyme scheme is perhaps much more obvious, a simple A B A B pattern which draws the reader’s attention to itself, as opposed to Yeats’s more subtle A B B A which hits the reader a bit less forcefully. Auden’s rhyme scheme, by being so obvious, somewhat removes the speaker of the poem from its events. Rhyme, like any artifice takes time and energy to create, and thus makes its creator seem in control of their faculties and at the peak of their art. This, however, jars somewhat with aspects of the poem that make the pain of death seem immediate to the speaker. Firstly, the speaker uses phrases like â€Å"The stars are not wanted now†(emphasis mine) which create immediacy and make the reader think that the sorrow has just befallen the speaker (l. 13). Secondly, the speaker uses first person, â€Å"I thought that love would last forever, I was wrong†which emphasizes that the speaker is indeed the person who has suffered the loss. This jarring contrast between the artifice of rhyme and the immediacy of pain seems somewhat problematic in this poem. Yeats’s
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Game of Baseball Essay Example for Free
The Game of Baseball Essay Baseball is one of Americas favorite past times, as well as mine. There are many different sports for boys to play, however, baseball was the only one my heart got attached to. It has always given me that adrenaline rush that made me want to continue playing even up to today. Baseball is one of my fondest memories because it was a huge part of my childhood, it introduced me to some of my best friends, and helped mold into the person I am today. The baseball field brings back the best memories. Baseball is in my genes. When I would run onto the baseball field it’s like I just got hit with adrenaline. I played soccer and basketball also, but as I got older I felt that if I focused on one sport I could make myself great. I’ve been playing ever since I was able to throw and catch, and I am still playing in college. When I was younger it started with playing recreation sports. Playing for the recreation department wasn’t the greatest experience, but everyone made the team and everyone was out there to have fun. -16 Once I turned eleven I joined a travel team. On the travel team we traveled to Baton Rouge or Gulfport every weekend. We qualified for a chance to go play a week in Cooperstown, New York. We then got on a plane and flew to South Carolina, which we were supposed to switch planes to go to New York. When we got to South Carolina we found out that the plane we were supposed to get on left early so we had to take a charter bus the rest of the way and it took forever. We didn’t win the tournament; it was a great experience to play teams from all over the United States. After that tournament that team split up, and I joined a different team, which we played for a few years and won many tournaments. When I was fourteen, we qualified to go to the World Series in Liberty, Missouri. We won our first four games in pool play. We ended up getting second seed going into double elimination. Then we lost our first elimination game. If we lost any more games we were finished. When the team got back to the hotel we had a team meeting with all the parents. That meeting had everyone thinking and saying, â€Å"We aren’t losing the World Series. †We came out playing teams that also had one loss that were in the losers bracket, ten run ruling almost every team. We were dominating after our pep talk from the parents. When we made it out the losers bracket, we had to play the first place team that everyone was talking about the whole tournament. We had to beat them twice because they were undefeated and had to lose two games. The first game was a breeze, we won twelve to three. Then the final game we came out hitting and beat them again like it was nothing, twelve to two. We dog piled on the field, and after we stripped down to our sliding shorts then ran and jumped into the pond behind the center field fence. Winning the world series in a different state was the best baseball experience at the age of fourteen. Since I started playing at such a young age it got me prepared for middle school, in which I played both years. Then came high school, in which the fields were much bigger and bigger crowds. My senior year in high school was a year that I will never forget. I played five different positions, contributing my skills everywhere to help the team out in any way. I was First Team All-District Utility Player of the Year and had the second best batting average in district. We had a great season going undefeated in district. We were upset when we ended up losing in the second round of the playoffs to Central Baton Rouge 3-1. I was shocked when they got the last out of the games, I didn’t know what to do. After we went shakes hands the team just walked to the outfield and just sat down. It was a very emotional time because we were expected to win state. I walked to center field and just sat down and started tearing up. Some of the younger players didn’t know what to do but it helped a lot when everyone started giving out hugs. Then after a while we got into a circle and the coaches said a few words, but it was hard for them to talk. That was probably the hardest to ever leave a baseball field. Once we walked back to the dugout the parents were waiting for us to try to cheer us up. The seniors stayed in the dugout for probably an hour just realizing that was the last game we would play together on the same team. The baseball field looks amazing when the grass is freshly cut and the infield dirt is freshly dragged on game day. The night games are the ones that get your heart pumping when the lights come on and the field is lit up. It makes you feel like yopur invincible.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Analysis of First To Fight Essays -- Book Review, Military History
First To Fight begins with Krulak engaged in a conversation with a Gunnery Sergeant who was asked how the Marine Corps got the reputation of having one of the world’s greatest fighting formations. The GySgt replies â€Å"Well lieutenant they started telling everybody how great they were and pretty soon they started believing it†. The story goes on to talk about how there nearly wasn’t a Marine Corps. starts out with Marine Lieutenant General Holland M. Smith on the bridge of the command ship Mt. Olympus, off Iwo Jima on the morning of 23 February 1945 with Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal who said that the raising of our flag atop Mt. Suribachi means there will be an Marine Corps for the next five hundred years. Smith commented â€Å"When the war is over and money is short they will be after the Marines again†, and a dozen Iwo Jimas would make no difference. The resolute general was voicing the frustrations of the many generations of Marines before him who had learned through hard experience that fighting for the right to fight often presented greater challenges than fighting their country’s enemies. The Marines’ survival struggles during their first century and a half were mere skirmishes compared with what was to commence following the Second World War. Even as America was still trying to see through the smoke of Pearl Harbor, there were problems which were seen that were far more serious. A carefully designed plan which, if implemented, would destroy the Marine Corps as a fighting force. The scene was set according to Krulak by three events. In early October 1942 Krulak was a member of a team of four Marine officers assigned to the Army’s 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii to conduct instruction for the divisi... ...states there are three powerful external factors that cloud the Marines’ horizon. The first being the oppressive influence of threat. That threat is rooted in the attitudes or aspirations of the Army, the Navy, or various chief executives. Its nature has varied-threat to the Corps’s repute, to its right to fight, to its very survival. Secondly, the recurrent military affliction called austerity. At worst, they linger in active service and are a hazard to all around them. The third is the dead hand of bureaucracy that lies over the entire military establishment. While the larger services may be able to handle the pressures of bureaucracy, the Marine Corps has neither the instinct nor the time for it. The Marines are an assemblage of warriors, nothing more. Paper massaging and computer competitions do not kill the enemy, which is what the Marines are supposed to do.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Math for Elementary Teachers Essay
Math for Elementary Teachers II is the second part in a two part series. The mathematical concepts that were focused on throughout the second part of Math for Elementary Teachers were on measurement, geometry, probability, and data analysis. Just like part one of Math for Elementary Teachers, part two also address the relationship of the course concepts to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards for K-8 instruction. The first two weeks of this course, the main concepts that were explored was data analysis and probability. When learning about data analysis, A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers taught students that data analysis is the measures of Central Tendency, Statistics, and Variation. During data analysis students also reviewed that different ways data can be presented; bar graphs, circle graphs, line graphs, or scatter plots. Probability taught theorem and tree diagrams/geometry probabilities. Both of these mathematical concepts were cover throughout chapters 9 and 10 of A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers. The mathematical concepts covered during week three and four was Introduction to Geometry. During these two weeks, the concepts of geometry that were covered were; angles, basic notation, geometry in three dimensions, and polygons. These mathematical concepts of geometry were covered throughout chapter 11. Mathematical concepts covered during week five and six was Applications of Geometry. During these two weeks, the main concepts of application of geometry that were taught were rotational symmetry, lines of symmetry, similar triangles, similar igures, lines and linear equations, tessellation patterns, translations, rotations, reflections, and glide reflections. These mathematical concepts of Applications of Geometry were covered throughout chapters 12 and 14. Mathematical concepts covered during week seven and eight was Applications of Measurement. During these two weeks, the main concepts of application of measurement that were covered were; areas of polygons and circles, distance formula, equation of a circle, linear measure, mass, Pythagorean theorem, surface areas, temperature, and volume. These mathematical concepts of Applications of Measurement were covered throughout chapter 13. The concepts learned throughout this course are relevant to the characteristics of a professional mathematics teacher based off of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards. Based off the lessons for Data Analysis and Probability, Introduction to Geometry, Applications of Geometry, and Applications of Measurement in this course and under the NCTM standards the curriculum meets the expectations that the National Council required professional mathematic teachers to have. The curriculum of Data Analysis and Probability in this course meets NCTM standards and expectations by represent data using concrete objects, pictures, and graphs, collect data using observations, surveys, and experiments, represent data using tables and graphs such as a line plots, bar graphs, and line graphs, describe parts of the data and the set of data as a whole to determine what the data show, and describe the shape and important features of a set of data and compare related data sets (The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2012). The curriculum for Introduction to Geometry and Applications of Geometry in this course meets NCTM standards and expectation by recognize, name, build, draw, compare, and sort two-and-three dimensional shapes, find the distance between points along horizontal and vertical lines of a coordinate system, and predict and describe the results of sliding, flipping, and turning two-dimensional shapes (The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2012). The curriculum for Applications of Measurement in this course meets NCTM standards and expectation by recognize the attributes of length, volume, weight, area and time, understand the need for measuring with standard units, develop strategies for estimating the perimeters, areas, and volumes of irregular shapes, and develop strategies to determine the surface areas and volumes of rectangular solids (The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2012). When starting the first part of Math for Elementary Teachers, the idea that I had in mind was that these two courses were going to be about learning the basic mathematical concepts, counting, adding, subtracting, and learning shapes. However, now that I have completed the first part of Math for Elementary Teachers and am getting ready to the last week of the second part, my ideas and philosophy about teaching elementary students mathematical concepts changed. Teaching elementary children about Data Analysis and Probability, Geometry, and Applications of Measurement can become overwhelming for young children because these are concepts that they gave never learned about. Elementary children are used to understanding the basic mathematical concepts. I believe that when it is time to start learning about other mathematical concepts it is important to make learning fun for the younger children. I will stand my philosophy of adjusting the lesson plans to create fun hands on activities that will help my students learn and remember all the different mathematical concepts. I also believe that it is important to go that extra mile to provide students with the best mathematical education there is and by getting the parents involved to help students at home by suggesting different websites or by sending home activity books. I can honestly say, that the recommended changes to the practice of mathematics that have been instruction based off my experiences in both Mat for Elementary Teachers I and Math for Elementary Teachers II is that these two courses should be longer than nine weeks long. There is so much information that needs to be learned, and for a lot of students that are taking these courses it has been many years since they have learned these concepts. Another issue that I was not pleased with was at the start of this course having to take MyMathLab Orientation again. With these being a two part class and having to use MyMathLab during the first part of this course, it seemed pointless having to do another orientation for MyMathLab, but then again m most students should know how to use MyMathLab seeing as thy have other courses that require them to use MyMathLab. In total with the entire math course that are required for an Associate degree in Elementary Education 36 weeks is spent using MyMathLab.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Getting To Yes
I played the part of the agent for this exercise and Chloe played the role of business manager. In this case, I was trying to negotiate a deal for Sally Soprano. Basically my job was to make sure that she got the lead role of Norma. Sally did not care how much she was going to get paid; she just wanted the role because it was going to revitalize her career. This lead role would then give her momentum to get into different mediums such as movies and television.Right off the bat in the negotiations I tried to separate the person from the problem. Instead of coming right out and telling Chloe that I wanted this, this, and this, I asked her about what she thought about Sally and how she might affect the show. I also asked her about what she felt about having Sally be the lead performer instead of telling her how great Sally would be for the part. I wanted to make sure that we talked about all of the outstanding issues at hand before we even started negotiating about who get what in the s ituation.While I was using this technique I felt that Chloe was becoming much more comfortable with my approach and me. Instead of putting her on the defensive and guarding her position. I felt that she was much more willing to work with me and cooperate on the negotiations. It worked because in the end I feel like we came to a deal that worked very well for all parties involved.I remember Chloe using the technique of generating options for mutual gain. So my main goal we discovered was to make sure that Sally Soprano could have enough publicity that would launch her into tv and movies. Chloe wanted to make sure the theatre could sustain itself and stay financially viable. So we exchanged many different ideas about how we could both mutually benefit from each other. We discussed profit sharing and different ways to split up the money. I had to relay to Chloe that Sally Soprano was a veteran who could guarantee a great show/ performance. Yet Chloe was hesitant to want to sign such an ageing star, this lead to some conflict.A part that I could have used more would have been focusing on interest and not so much on positions. I tried to stay open and accommodating yet I had to hammer home the fact that Sally needed to get the lead role and there was no other way around it. This may have led to some roadblocks in out bargaining and may have been a poor choice on my part. Yet in the end we decided on Sally would get the main part for 18,000 and would be guaranteed three additional shows in the future to ensure that she got the kind of exposure that she wanted.As a person who is new to the GTY method of negotiating I think that separating the people from the problems is the hardest part of negotiating with this new technique. Some people are hard wired into thinking that they must fight for what they have to get and are on the opposite team as the other person. Yet I feel like what GTY teaches most is making deals the benefit both parties involved. Which in the end i s what both people want.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hitchcock Blonde by Terry Johnson Essays
Hitchcock Blonde by Terry Johnson Essays Hitchcock Blonde by Terry Johnson Paper Hitchcock Blonde by Terry Johnson Paper Essay Topic: Literature In September Theatre studies group and I went to see Hitchcock Blonde by Terry Johnson at the Lyric Theatre, Shaftsbury Avenue, which was originally staged at The Royal Court. We sat in to Dress Circle of the theatre and I sat in the middle so I saw everything that happened onstage. The production concept is that it explores the work of Alfred Hitchcock, also it shows the relationships of middle-aged men with younger blonde women be it a body double (Hitch), and University student (Alex) showing both male characters have some of the same characteristics. Throughout the play the two stories become intertwined and it explores the blend of sex, fantasy and film and it also shows the blending of film within theatre, in the scenes on the film set used as well normal stage lighting used huge film lights, the angles on the top of the stage and the film strip at the top of the white backdrops showing links of film and theatre and the use of a thin gauze at the start of the play showing that the truth is being revealed. The performance of the actors were O. K. ut I think that Hitch who was played by William Hootkins was too much of a caricature for my liking especially as when he was walking he waddled like a penguin which normal people dont do but I must compliment him on his accent and it was very Hitchcock-esque and also the Blonde who was played by Rosamund Pike, the monologues she performed were far too slow and the myself and the rest of the audience lost interest but she was a very stereotypical fifties actress, she was tall, blonde and elegant and a typical dumb blonde but also did not see much of her relationship with her husband. Alex played by David Haig was very good and consistent performance he also had a good stage presence, I also think that his performance was very effective. His relationship with Nicola started off as a teacher-student relationship then as soon as they arrive in Kalithia their relationship becomes more serious and of a sexual nature. Nicola was played by Fiona Glascott and I think that her performance was OK but there were a few faults in her performance, the relationship with Alex was the same as Alexs relationship with her but once he had got what he wanted he didnt want anything to with her but Nicola was wanting to love him all the time and it was unrequited love. The design concept was that the play was staged on a Proscenium Arch Stage, the stage itself had a hydraulic trap door which introduced us to Hitch and the Blonde, the production constantly used projections onto the white backdrops with emphasises my point of which blends film and theatre also the image of the naked woman onto the flow of the water which comes from the shower, which captures the transient nature of sexual longing that runs throughout the play, the window in Alexs room at the start of play showed that it was a massive nineteen-sixties university building, the stage hands which were dressed as movers on a film set links theatre and film once again. The swimming pool and shower in the set of the villa links it with Hitchcocks Psycho. Props for both of Hitchs eating scenes are shown onstage by the props used, firstly Hitch is sitting on an unplumbed toilet and sitting at a table with film reels and other things on the table showing he is on a film set and when is eating in his house it is more elegant, proper padded seats and the table is set properly with candleholders, cutlery and wine glasses. The Blonde lives in a trailer park with her husband which is shown by projections of a window looking out onto other trailers. The swift scenes changed are made by the use of the hydraulic trap door to bring up tables and chairs. Also when Alex shines light in Nicolas eyes it shows methods of police interrogation, I think the play was both had elements of symbolism and realism, realism because the different locations of the play were very specific created by the projections. The costume was very effective for all three time periods especially in the fifties because the Blondes dress in the scene in Hitchs house was very elegant and Hitchs suit was very in keeping with the time as were of the periods but this period really stands out in my mind. The moods and atmospheres of the play were created by use of music and lighting and also the by the tension created onstage, an example of this would be when the music from Psycho was used and also the moments between the Blonde and her husband. The dramatic shape was created by elements of tension and suspense created when in my view was Nicola taking the tweezers and audiences first impression was that she was going for Alex but we later find out that she cuts up herself. The music used from Psycho was used to create tension to very good effect especially when Blondes husband stubs out his cigarette, music is used to make you think he is going to do something really bad. The lighting effects used in the play were used very well like huge film studio lights were used to create the studio effect also a spotlight was shone on the film reel that Alex gets out of the filing cabinet to shows to Nicola which was the supposed work of Hitchcock which later was uncovered to be the remains of one of his actresses also the light from the projector which the Blonde shone in the eyes of her husband is quite impressive how they can achieve that and probably used one of the big film studio lights offstage (stage left). In all I think that the set design and concept are very effective to put across the central issues and the main themes of the play.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Male Sexuality in Ancient Rome
Male Sexuality in Ancient Rome Modern sexuality offers a two-tiered dichotomy based on sexual preference. A homosexual is characterized by his exclusive sexual preference for same-sex relationships. Similarly, a heterosexual favors exclusive sexual relationships with members of the opposite sex. Ancient sexuality, on the other hand, finds its basis in status. The active partner, i.e. the partner of a higher social status, assumes the role of the penetrator; whereas, the passive partner, i.e. the partner of inferior social status, takes on the penetrated position.(www.princeton.edu/~clee/paper.html) - Malakos Our modern preoccupation with sexuality has depended on a distinction between homo- and hetero-. That gender-changing operation and other, less dramatic transgender behavior are blurring our neat borders should help us understand the very different Roman attitudes. Today you can have a lesbian who was born a man and a gay male who was born a woman or a male in prison who behaves in ways that to the outside world appear homosexual, but to the prison, ​the community does not, alongside the more traditional homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual roles. How Did the Romans See Gender? Instead of todays gender orientation, ancient Roman (and Greek) sexuality can be dichotomized as passive and active. The socially preferred behavior of a male was active; the passive part aligned with the female. The relation between the active and passive partner is thought of as the same kind of relation as that obtaining between social superior and social inferior. - Malakos But before I go further, let me stress: this is an oversimplification. To Be an Ancient Roman Male in Good Standing ...Walters makes a crucial distinction between males and men: Not all males are men, and therefore impenetrable. In particular, he refers to the special nuance of the term vir, which does not simply denote an adult male; it refers specifically to those adult males who are freeborn Roman citizens in good standing, those at the top of the Roman social hierarchy those who are sexually impenetrable penetrators Craig A. Williams Bryn Mawr Classical Review of Roman Sexualities And... ... since the concepts heterosexual and homosexual did not exist, but there does seem to be a high degree of correlation between the conduct of men identified as cinaedi and that of some men now labeled homosexuals, though it must be appreciated that the modern term is clinical while the ancient one is emotional and even hostile, and that both have been imposed from outside. Richard W. Hoopers Bryn Mawr Classical Review of The Priapus Poems To be an ancient Roman male in good standing meant you initiated penetrating acts of sex. Whether you did this with a female or a male, slave or free, wife or prostitute, made little difference as long as you were not on the receiving end, so to speak. Certain people were off-limits, though, and among them were free youths.This was a change from the Greek attitude which, again to simplify, condoned such behavior in the context of a learning environment. The ancient Greek education of its youth had begun as training in the arts necessary for battle. Since physical fitness was the goal, education took place in a gymnasium (where physical training was in the buff). Over time the education came to encompass more academic parts, but instruction in how to be a valuable member of the polis continued. Often this included having an older male take a younger (post-pubescent, but still unbearded) one under his wing with all that entailed. Although later Romans sometimes asserted that homosexuality was imported from Greece, by the close of the 6th century B.C.E, Polybius reported, there was widespread acceptance of homosexuality [Polybius, Histories, xxxii, ii]. Lesbian and Gay Marriages For the ancient Romans, who claimed to have adopted other passive behaviors from the ancient Greeks, free youths were untouchable. Since adolescents were still appealing, Roman males gratified themselves with youthful slaves. Its thought that in the baths (in many ways, successors to the Greek gymnasia), freedmen wore a talisman around their necks to make it clear their naked bodies were untouchable.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Assignment 6 Analyzing Conflict Management Essay
Assignment 6 Analyzing Conflict Management - Essay Example This essay aims at analyzing such a case of conflict in school and how it should be managed. Description of the Conflict The St. Mary’s Public School, New York has newly admitted a new student Amanda Martinez who has come recently from the country of Brazil to the United States. Amanda is a sincere worker and performs quite well among her peers in school. She has joined school in the last week. She did extremely well in her admission test to the school and therefore the principal has awarded her a scholarship for the entire term of year. The teachers are also very cooperative in the school and help the new student in every possible way. In her class there are about 30 girls of the same age. Most of them are Americans except for Isabel who is also of a South American descent. The students of the class did not accept her in their group from her initial days. Isabel and Amanda however have become very good friends in a very short span of time. In the forthcoming group task, stude nts in the school had to work in groups of five. Amanda and Isabel are in the same group but along with them 3 other students are present. Amanda and Isabel find it uncomfortable to work with them. When the work of the group started Amanda wanted to be the team leader as she was the best among them in studies and could allocate the duties better among the five people. However, Joanna another team member wanted to have the leadership role since it was difficult for her and two of her friends to accept that they would be working under Amanda. Thus the work could not be started because of the conflict among the team members. Analysis of the Critical issues of the Conflict: Context of the conflict The main reason why the problem has cropped up in the group is that there is a conflict of interest among the team members. Both Amanda and Joanna want to be the leader of the team. The reason why Amanda wants to have the leadership role is that she is a sincere worker and would understand the work better. She would be able to distribute the work in a fair manner among the group members. Though Isabel is happy with this decision, Joanna and the remaining two in the group have difficulty in accepting her as they want to have a power in the decision making related to the activities of the group. Apparent and underlying reasons of the conflict The perceptible reason for the conflict is the power distribution among the two groups of people working together for the achievement of the same goal. Both of the students want to have a power in the group and take interest in the allocation of the duties. The true reason behind this conflict is that Joanna being a resident of New York since her early childhood has a problem accepting the fact that they have to accept the instruction of a newly entered student. Amanda also cannot acknowledge Joanna as their leader because she is not convinced about her abilities and is worried that ignorance on part of Joanna as a leader would affect their grades for the group task. Thus there is an issue of racial discrimination in this particular case and it needs to be properly redressed. Types of Conflicts in the case This is a form of dysfunctional conflict because the students cannot work in a harmonious way which is hampering the education of the students. This kind of conflict does not lead to any productive end. It is also a form of interpersonal conflict between Amanda and Joanna
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Personal portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Personal portfolio - Essay Example Moreover, research has it that job related stress have dire impacts on an employee’s social and psychological aspects of life (Dewe, P et al, 2010). For example, it may result to psychological breakdown in serious cases. Individuals have also reported to have broken social ties with family and friends as a result. It is therefore important to develop the ability to cope with work related stress and sustain pressure emanating from work. When working as an employee, I have to face several situations that are challenging and stressful. Such difficult situations are for example, having too much work to do within a very limited timeline, bulling by mean superiors and exaggerated expectations from employers just to mention but a few. However, I was required to stay steady and focused on work and deliver quality and reliable services despite the difficulties that I faced. This necessitated the need to be able to work under pressure. Employees experience pressure from different directions, and this certainly affects their productivity at work in a negative manner. It is therefore vital that they learn best how to articulate there work amidst the mounting pressure. The skill is a combination of other desirable skills and attributes of an individual that builds up to an adaptive personality. Such desirable skills are for example, patience, humility, resilience, confidence, humility et cetera. Being humble has certainly enabled me to take unpleasant comments, disapprovals and rebuke from my colleagues and superiors at work places. It also took me confidence in myself to overcome difficult and stressful situations, enabling me to deliver efficiently deliver my duties without having to succumb to the effects of pressure. Believing that things will eventually turn out positively, enabled me to withstand the adverse pressure that came with work. My
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Business strategy-business game Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Business strategy-business game - Essay Example A single strategic direction for the firm is selected which is the differentiation strategy as per the Bowman’s strategy clock. The Bowman’s strategy clock is used to identify one or multiple strategic aspects that may be taken up by a company for developing competiveness, sustainability and continued success (Chesbrough and Rosenbloom, 2002). This is because the results of the analysis and the study of the external market indicate that the adoption of a differentiation strategy can be beneficial for the company for ensuring greater levels of success and sustainability for the future years. The number of companies operating in the athletic footwear segment in which the case company belongs ranges from 4 to 10 main companies. However, for the analysis, three main competitors of APanda Shoes are considered which are Diversity Footwear, C Athlete Company and Bold Athletics Company. The company APanda Shoes operates in multiple geographical regions. The company has its manufacturing plants in North America, Asia pacific, Europe, Africa and Latin America. This makes the athletic footwear manufacturing company much vulnerable towards the political norms in the different countries of its operation. The political factors like the stability of the political environment, the formulation of government policies, taxation policies, export and import policies and duties levied on the athletic footwear products are some of the common factors that would affect the business decisions and operations of APanda Shoes. The economic factors like inflation rates, Gross Domestic Predict (GDP), economic and business cycles, disposable income level and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) are some of the economic factors that would directly influence the profitability, sales and sustainability of the company in the four operational regions. The volatility of currency exchange systems and the fluctuations in the foreign exchange
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Ethnics Of Orang Asli Theology Religion Essay
Ethnics Of Orang Asli Theology Religion Essay Lanoh is one of the ethnics of Orang Asli original people from Malaysia. Previously, Lanoh used to be nomads but now many of them stay permanently in Hulu Perak,a district of Perak. Lanoh people are officially classified under the Negrito subgroup but in term of the language they use the Temiar language. Most Lanoh are dark-skinned and have frizzy hair. Their features resemble the Papua New Guinean or east African people. Location Lanoh as well as other Semang people remained in low-land areas, Near Malays settlement. They prefer to live near river valleys, which is the most foot-hills, The low population density of Lanoh people in pre-resettlement time has caused them to spread between a few principle villages and campsites (basically in Perak area. Among their villages are Air Bah, Tawai, and Cenawi village. Last time, the Lanoh villages and camp[s were small, with a population rarely exceeding thirty or thirty-five people. Last time, they were also had a mobile lifestyle but it ended after Malaysias independence (1957). On 1993, Air Bahs status as resettlement village was finalized when a two-storey mosque was elevated to house Muslim proselytizers during their intermittent to the village. Within the plan of Malay nation state, the Lanoh way of life , like that of Orang Asli , had undergone remarkable changes , many due to land loss, logging, deforestation, new forms of subsistence and commercial activities. Since 1980s , the Lanoh people were regrouped and permanently resettled ,primarily in the village of Air Bah. They have been struggling to reconcile these changes with their cultural values and customary of life. Their house has Temiar-style structure which is more stable than their Lanoh-style lean-to-shelters . They prefer to stay in those houses compared to the large government-supplied plank houses. The size of the houses does not necessarily reflect peoples status or ethnic affiliation. In term of life style, people in Air Bah prefer to spend time with whom they feel close , not necessarily their conjugal family members. Beliefs . Most Lanoh people practice ethnic religion (66%), 33% of them are Muslims and 1% of them are Christians http://www.joshuaproject.net/people-profile.php?peo3=12987rog3=MY .They have a belief of naturalism: Plants and animals energize the own spiritually bestowing upon humans a humbling experience of bondage and love for nature. They also practice an unwritten law that all of the animals caught in the forest should suffer no pain in captivity. According to people in Air Bah, a shaman is a person who can teach the young people stories and good things about Lanoh. Previously, Lanoh shamans also believed to posses invaluable powers such as they could talk to elephants, the guardian father of the Lanoh, and as guide people in spiritual roads. Marriage and family For Lanoh people, they dont restrict marriage between ethnics or subgroups and they are more linear. They get to choose their own partner and their parents will not interfere in their relationship. If a couple are living together, they are consider married. There is no wedding celebration, but the bride will just have to give some presents to the bride groom and his in laws. Only young couples get divorce and usually, the Lanoh people do not get divorce if they already have a child. They belief that after labor, a woman cannot touch the ground for two weeks and salt cannot be added into their food for two to three months after labor. They also cannot consume oily food. Death When someone died, the chief of the village and nearest family members will be told about the news. After the dead body is cleaned, for women, they will put on their jewelries such as ring, necklace and bracelets. Then the dead body will be wrapped in a clean new cloth and then wrapped in a mat. The same procedure applies to a mans body except they are wrapped without jewelries. At the cemetery, a 2 meters hole will be digged and the dead body will be buried with their belongings. Then two sticks will be placed on their grave to represent where is the head and where is the legs. At the head part, relatives will light a fire so that wild animals wont come near the grave. If the husband died, the wife cannot wears make up for 7 days. KENSUI TRIBE At the edge of the Baling district area, there is an indigenous settlement known as the Perkampungan Orang Asli Lubok Legong. It is located at the Mukim Siong, 13 km from Pekan Baling and 188 km from Bandaraya Alor Setar. This settlement is own by the indigenous people of the Kensiu tribe. Based on the Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (2003) information, this settlement is the only one available for the indigenous people of the Kensui tribe, this is the sole Negrito exist in Kedah and generally the peninsular of Malaysia. Due to their resemblance to the Negro in Africa, they are classified as the Negrito. History Based on the research done by Dr. Iskandar Carey (1970), from his visit to the Perkampungan Orang Asli in Kampung Lalang around 1968 and 1969, the Kensui tribe has their own settlement. Even though the early history had stated that they lived in norm. This tribe was said to have the smallest number of people compared to the other orang asli tribes in Malaysia. There were also said to be the oldest tribe.Basically the Kensui tribe was said to have family relations at Kampung Rai, Yala, Thailand.While based on the facts, the Kensui people orinigated from Kuala Kedau and Ulu Legong. During the Japanese invasion to Tanah Melayu between 1941 and 1942, the Kensui tribe had escaped all around the Baling district mostly to the Parit Panjang, Kampung Bendang Man di Sik, Kampung Sg. Celak and Kampung Tiak di Kupang, Baling. Nowadays, settlements have been build by the government which is the Perkampungan Orang Asli Kampung Lubuk Legong. The Kensui tribe has been residencing there since 1957 at the No 3623 lot which was offered in the year 1958 as the Rezab Orang Asli with an area of 428 acres. According to M.W. Tweedie, a historian had stated in his book Pre-History, those who live in the peninsular which are known as the Negrito had existed since 8000 BC living in caves and hunting animals. During the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic period around 5000 BC, Kedah was used to be inhabited by the Austronesia which became the ancestors of the Negrito, Sakai and the other tribes. Its hard to describe the physical characteristics of the Negrito due to their division into 4 subgroups of the Kensui tribe known as Mos, Nakil (atau Dalem), Hetot and Tanjen. Overall they have fine-small curly hairs, dark in colour skin and average height of 5 feet below, they have wide iris similar to the West African and most of them are similar to the New Guinea indigenous, Papuans. The identity of the Kensui tribe can solely be described by their culture, material and their life style. They show little to none agricultural practise. This may be due to their origin as one of the fully nomadic indigenous people. Their culture includes the practice of nose piercing and residence build for temporary shelter from the weather and wind. The Kensui tribe moves from one place to another for hunting and scavenging food as well as forest materials. They would move to another place if they found that the area is no longer productive. Work arrangements For the adults of the Kensui tribe, rubber tapping is one of their daily routine. The Projek Getah Mini Estet Fasa 1 dan 2 conducted through RISDA was a success for them. The society gained interest of RM200.00 per month for each family. But there are still among them that are unable to perform the work. Besides that, The Kensui tribe are still practice scavenging forest material to be sold to the outside society and for their own usage. They also have skills producing various handcrafts form the forest materials. Some of the people also work as labour in farms. The society of the indigenous people from the Kampung Lubuk Legong are under the supervision of the pentadbiran Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (JHEOA) Perak dan Kedah operating in Ipoh, Perak. While at district level, it is under the pentadbiran Pejabat Hal Ehwal Orang Asli Daerah Hulu Perak dan Baling operating in Grik, Perak. In every village, a leader was appointed as the penghulu among themselves to hold the responsibility of governing the village and a Jawatankuasa Kemajuan Kampung (JKKK) was established to help the government. For now, the title penghulu is hold by Encik Rosman Bin Isa. He is the fourth appointed penghulu. Education level The education levels among the Kensui tribe are extremely low compared to the other indigenous tribes. The numbers of educated people are too little. According to the penghulu of the tribe, the year 2005 has been a history to them for one of them had successfully graduated from a form 1 level education which was the highest level of education until now. Marriage customs and family institutions The life concept which prioritised equality and similarity reflects from the whole life style of the society. Most of the Kensui societies in the settlement have a close relation with each other. There are only two people that had married a Malay woman from the Kampung Baru and one had married an Indonesian. Those who are Islam in the Kensui tribe gets married based on the syariat and the law of the Islamic family. Their marriages were conducted by the religion officer from the Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Kedah. While for those who are practising animism, their marriages are based on their believes. There are no ceremonies held for the marriage. When a man reaches a time of age where he would like to be married, he just need to get the approval of the women he wants to marry without needing the blessing of both of her parents. If the woman agrees, the man would send her materials in the form of cloth, knife and tobacco to the womans father as a sign that the marriage was on. Later on they would live together as a sign they have married. In the family system of the Kensui society, the family relations are bilateral meaning that it is based on the decent of both parents based on the mens generation There are still abstinence ban practices until now in the family institution of the Kensui society, such as bride is not allowed to interact with the groom and vice versa. The groom is also forbid to interact with the mother-in-law, while the male and the female relatives which are not married are forbidden to interact with their sister and brother-in-laws, nor to speak of their names. They would use an intermediate for any interactions required with the father and the in-laws. Marriages between people of the same tribe are normal but there are some that had married with the Temiar tribe from Perak. Most of the Kensui people are Muslim, 163 of them had convert to Islam while 80 of them remains with animism. They have their own tradisional cultural performance know as the Sewang dance. During the performance, they would wear clothing made out of plants a head ornament made out of coconut leaves. Social organisation The traditional life of the Kensui combines five to six families forming a group. In most cases, all of the family members in a settlement or a camp have close family relations or cognate tribe. Each of the group is led by the oldest member, but he does not have any specific title, one of the leaders will be chosen based on the age, experience and knowledge in faith healing care and mysticism factor. The chief will have the power to make decision such as where so set camp and the time to move but it is still subject based on the view and advice from the member that he is leading. Generally the concept of having a leader is less stressed in the society at group level, they are more concentrate on egalitarian and solidarity. The important element in a social organisation is the family nucleus consisting of husband, wife and child. The settlements for the Negrito are called the kumpulan tabir angin where the society would live under a roof as a momentary shelter. They babies would be would cradle in turns during the moving, with every group consisting a husband, wife and child but only the little ones can stay with them. For boys who are older than 7 years old will have a separate shelter not far from their parents, as for the girls will live in the same shelter with their parents but separated by a bond fire between their beds. All of the decision which are made falls under the fathers decision for he is the head of the family The social organisation of the Kensui tribe in Baling has changed a lot. They have live in kampung Lubuk Lenggong for a long time that the nomad life style has been less practised nowadays. This is due to the existence of a permanent settlement build by JHEOA and supervised by the entire agency. The organisation has also changed, replaced by a settlement unit under the leadership of a penghulu. The penghulu still has his authority to maintain their traditions, but the mode of his appointment has changed based on 2 categories which are descendent and election The basic requirement for a penghulu is that he should be able to read and write the allowance given to the penghulu is based on categories which are A, B and C. these categories are based on the development of the members in the academic and so on. Beliefs The Kensui people believe are the same as the other Negritos, a large number of them still holds on to their traditional believes. This believes promotes the importance of Tok Batin, Karei and Menoi as beings with a ultimate power. The symbol of this power has an eternal nature and it is also regarded as the existence of a supernatural power or a living soul known as the orang hidup or the human that lives forever. The symbol of power and the depletion of power between human and those that live forever are called Cenoi. Cenoi tapn has been regarded as the same level with god or sultan. Cenoi Tapn has the characteristics of a mawas (tawo). The top part of his body is young while the bottom part is old. Cenoi Tapn was said to control the life of the Kensui society and that his anger would be conveyed through thunder and lightning (Kaei). This system was preserved and controlled by the authority known as the Halak, which plays a part as the intermediate between the Kensui people with th e one that holds the ultimate power in their believes. Halak also plays a role in the traditional medicine practice. Both system of medicine and religion consist of ceremony known as the panoh, which involves dancing and singing. Another ritual conducted for the same purpose is called sawan, which also combines singing and dancing in the process. The obedience to both of the system is also reflected through the respect, taboos, values and norms of society. The Halak also known as the Tok pawang are believed to be able to enter the spirit world by making themselves high. Tok pawang was believed to be able to connect with the Chinoi and sometimes becomes the intermediate for help in their agriculture. But nowadays, almost half of the Kensui society has convert to Islam. Language The Kensui have their own language to communicate. But nowadays Malaysian language has been the language used among them. Almost all of the Kensui people are able to speak in Bahasa Malaysia. Even though the old folks are still rusty in speaking in Malaysian language they do understand the language. There are also small children that are unable to speak in their original language due to the mix marriage and the interaction with the outsiders. Some of them can also speak in Thai language. For those that ave relationship with the Temiar tribe they can also speak their language. Burenhult (2001) states that the commonly inherited words of Kensiu would include basic semantic categories including body parts, certain animal and plant terms, natural phenomena like fire, stone, water, basic activities and states like die, eat, stand, walk, basic qualities such as big, small , personal pronouns such as I and you etc. Some of the native Kensiu words for jungle, hill, water tree, leaf and fruit s are kaheb, laheb, betiu, tom ihuk, helik and kebek respectively. The Kensiu also have rich and diverse lexical items associated with their natural environment particularly, the flora and the fauna. Some of them include awei (rattan), ihuk peng (gaharu), sieh (betel leaves), peyang (tapioca), emet (tiger), pelik (bats), ikop (snake), kensen (fox), jelong (flies), nguak (butterflies) and awai (tortoise), just to name a few. Among the exotic animals caught by the Kensius include the protected species, the Malayan Pengolin, Kensiu term, mantei. They are normally exchanged for cash to the local Chinese in the nearby town. Known for their aphrodisiac property, they usually fetch a good price. Malay loan words Beside those commonly inherited words of flora and fauna, there is also evidence to suggest substantial borrowing of words from Malay language. The findings of this study show that Kensiu language has a high number of lexical items that have been borrowed from Malay. Out of 255 lexical items given to the respondents in the study, 149 (58.4%) of the elicited lexical items were Malay loan words. In addition to this, there are also extensive Kensiu words which are code mixed with Malay words e.g. kutip kebek (kutip buah), kumpul awei (kumpul rotan), tom bungak (pokok bunga), bilik betew (bilik air). The findings of the study also reveal that lexical items that are associated with modern living and technologies are all Malay borrowings. They include pensil (pencil), radio (radio), telefon bimbit (hand phone), bas (bas), doktor (doctor). This extensive Malay borrowing suggests their ongoing interaction with Malay speakers. It should be mentioned here that the Kensiu community in this study are in constant interaction with the Malays as their settlement area in Lubuk Legong is in close proximity with the Malay villages. SEMAI TRIBE Background The Malay Island had been inhabited by human that were known as Austronesian or Malay-Polynesia around 5000 years ago according to the historical researchers. They were said to have originated from South of China and Taiwan. Their migration to south was done starting from the Philippines heading towards the Indonesian Islanad until the edge of the mainland Asia, Pacificislands and Madagascar. The Semai are a semi sedentary people living in the center of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia , known especially for their nonviolence. The Semai is one of the tribes that belong to the Senoi ethnic group. It is thought that the Semai are the remnants of the original, ancient and widespread population of Southeast Asia. According to Keene State Colleges Orang Asli Archive, in 1991 there were 26,627 Semai living on the Malay Peninsula. Northwest Pahang and south Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, central mountain area. This number has increased in recent years with the advent of better nutrition as well as improved sanitation and healthcare practices. These numbers, however, does not include other peoples of Semai or mixed descent, most of whom have assimilated into other cultures and have abandoned their ancestral tribal lands in order to seek better employment and education opportunities, especially in the larger cities. Language The Semai people speak Semai language, an Austro-Asiatic language belonging to the Mon-Khmer language family. But most of Semai people in Malaysia have knowledge of Malay language and they can speak well in Malay. Semai people are very tolerant person and they did not force other people to do things that they do not like it. For example, the word Bood has a very interesting meaning. It means not feeling like doing something, for any reason, for example, sickness, shyness or laziness. If it is translated into todays language, it is simply one of our fundamental rights, the right to say no!. The children of Semai are taught the concept of bood from an early age. If a parent asks a child to do something and the child replies I bood, in other words, I dont feel like doing, the matter is closed. The parents would not force their children to do something that they do not want to do. The Semais children Spirituality and beliefs Most of Semai people are animist but but a large minority profess Christianity. They are still gripped by their old beliefs. The Semais main festival is the Genggulang. It is a festive ritual to appease land spirits for a good harvest where the people worship the rice spirit. In this ritual, the spirit is offered with sacrificial chickens, flowers, and unhusked rice. Nowadays, the festival has lost much of its religious meaning, as it has become more of a cultural event similar to the way Chinese celebrate Lunar New Year or Westerners celebrate Christmas. Besides that, Chuntah is another festive ritual that is performed to make the evil spirits leave. Chuntah is performed in the middle of a storm where a man collects rain in a bamboo container until it is full, he then gashes his skin and lets the blood run into the container. The Semai usually have restrictions on eating animals that straddle two groups. Snakes are usually not eaten because moving menhar (animals that lives on the or in the trees) have legs, but snakes live on land, so the Semai consider this unnatural. CULTURE Marriage The day of their marriage, there are several things that the bride and the grooms need to do, which are : -both of them need to berinai at their own houses. -the grooms needs to cut their hair -both of them needs to take a bath with a water that contains a few slices of lemon that have been spell for a good reason. After that the bride and the groom will wear their beautiful wedding dress in their respective houses. The bride will be wearing the wedding dress that have been given by the groom which are called salin tiga dress. Because they have been bath with spiritual lemon water, there are a few orders that mst be followed by both of them , -in a duration of 3 days they are not allowed to leave their village because they might be disturbed by the evil spirits. -in a duration of 7 days also they are not allowed to leave their village for the same reason. C:UsersfarhanDocumentsstudysem 2H.Eru_01.2.jpg The bride Birth When the wife is pregnant, there are a few things that both of the parents must not do to protect the baby and to get a healthy babies. -They cant get close to animals that they believe can harm the baby such as tortoise, monkeys, and snakes. -The fathers family members are not allowed to installing or nailing any part in the house. -They are not allowed to be near to death people. -Not allowed to eat venison, pork and partridge meat. To determine the date of the baby will be born and the health of the baby, the mother will meet the village midwife. The midwife will be the responsible person to stay with the mother until the baby are born. After the baby had born, the mother will abstain for a month. In confinement, the mother are not allowed to eat vegetables, fish without scales , fish that are venomous, chillies, cooking oil, coconut cold water except coffee and warm water. The mothers are only being served or only eat rice with grilled fish or fish that are cooked without oil. They are also not allowed to take a bath with cold water. They can only bath in river after the confinement but need to have a talisman. The ingredients needed for the talisman are a few of small stones, flour and turmeric. The half of the turmeric need to be chew by the mother and spit in the river while the small stones will be seeding in upstream and downstream of the river. Then the mother can take a bath in the river. Death When there is a death in the village, all the members of the village will gather around the house of the person who had died and stop their other work because they are afraid that the spirit of the person will get angry. The body will be buried the next day, so at night all the villagers will stand guard at the house of the person who died until morning to make sure that the bad spirit will not bother the dead person. Flame will be lit around the house to chase away bad spirit that cause the dead of the person. The children will be given talisman by smudging charcoal on both of their eyebrows or on both of their sole. Before the body was buried, it will be wash and wrapped with a new cloth or white cloth then with a mats and it will be buried into a grave of one meter deep. Before overlain, 3 clod of soil that have mix with charcoal will be placed on both of the ears and at the chest of the dead man. It is to cut off the ties between the dead man and his family. If it is not done, they believe that the family of the dead man will fall sick and eventually die. After being buried, a crafted wooden block is placed on the grave as marker then food, water and cigarettes that have been light up are paced on the grave for 6 days. On the sixth day, the crafted wood that were place on the grave is burnt to show that the spirit of the death person has gone to another world. It is then replace by tombstone and one of the family members will hold the tombstone and speak out the death person name to wake up his spirit to fete the food and drinks that have been placed on the grave. Home and taboos There are 4 different kinds of houses that the Semai people have in one village, which are : Yeau Home (Deg Yeau) Ran Home (Deg Ran) Bunch of Banana Home (Deg Pisang Sesikat) Ordinary Home Furthermore, for Semai people there are a few taboos that they should follow to make sure that they are not being harm by the bad spirits or the Nyanik (demons) and to have a peaceful life. MAH MERI TRIBE The Mah Meri is one of the 18 groups named by the Malaysian government Orang Asli living in West Malaysia. They are of the Senoi subgroup. Most of the members of the Mah Meri tribe live along the coast of South Selangor from Sungei Pelek up to Pulau Carey, although there is at least one Mah Meri Community on the other side of the Klang River. According to the Orang Asli Office of the Malaysian government, they numbered around 2200 in 2005.Most of the Mah Meri live in small villages (kampungs) on the fringes of other cities and on Pulau Carey, which has five separate villages of Mah Meri. There is no information on their origin, but the Mah Meri tribe claims to have walked the earth for as long as one can remember. They live in the states of Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca, and Johor. The Mah Meri language, sometimes also called Besisi is one of the Mon-Khmer language groups but has also borrowed from Malay. Mah Meri Villages Name of Villages The Nearest Town Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Bangkong Sungei Pelek Kampung Orang Asli Tg Sepat Kampung Orang Asli Sungei Kurau Pulau Carey Kampung Orang Asli Sungei Judah Pulau Carey Kampung Orang Asli Sungei Bumbun Pulau Carey C:UsersFaizDesktopmah meriimages (2).jpgC:UsersFaizDesktopmah meriZA (34).jpgC:UsersFaizDesktopmah meriimages (1).jpg Lifestyle Living in small wooden houses set in harmony with the surrounding forces of nature, the Mah Meri prefer to remain forest people. Hence in their villages, life seems relatively untouched by modern progress. They are known for their woodcarving skills, yet their economic activity remains rooted in agriculture and fishing. They resist employment outside of their community. The Mah Meri are soft-spoken and trusting with a propensity to laugh in the face of adversity. While the adults carry out their daily economic activities, the children often ride their fathers bicycles and play their favorite games with sticks, seeds, and other objects. Surprisingly, the Mah Meri community has managed to preserve a tradition of spiritual woodcarving that is truly world class in terms of quality of its craft and artistry. The art, which has rich mythological meanings behind the images and symbols, is handed down from father to son. As not many people seem interested in such animistic carvings, the young Mah Meri do not see it as a profitable trade. C:UsersFaizDesktopmah meriimages.jpg Religion Primary religion : Ethnic religion Major Religions: C:UsersFaizDesktopmah meriimages (3).jpg Buddhism 0.00 % Christianity 0.00 % (Evangelical: 0.00 %) Ethnic Religions 67.00 % Hinduism 0.00 % Islam 33.00 % Non-Religious 0.00 % Other / Small 0.00 % Marriage Mah Meri also inquire charity ceremony, engagement and wedding as the Malay community. The difference is only maintained their customary ceremonial demon exorcisms in its own way, as well as ritual held to inform the ancestors that their grandchildren will hold their wedding ceremony. The event was considered important to ensure that the marriage ceremony is safe, secure, blessed and happy until the children and grandchildren. In the suit, Tok Batin will see the groom preparations to carry to the proposal such as gold rings, cosmetics, kidney stone bowl and requirements such as mortar and other ceremonial. The bride undergoes sharpening teeth. Sharpen the teeth is considered an important custom made. Use of black cloth as a marker placed on the tooth to be sharpened tooth spacing. Ring will be used to sharpen teeth flat and then smoked. This aims to make the prospective bride is always radiant and prevent tetanus during the wedding ceremony.   Mah Meri play traditional Aboriginal musical instrument to celebrate the bride on marriage. However, the desire of the men would like to have a girl of his choice will be disqualified even if the proposal and the wedding day is set, if the expenses for the purpose of the event is not sufficient. If only in the past three months, the men failed to provide a tight, self agreement is considered void and the groom are doing fraud against Tok Batin. As with any other kind of ethnic wedding, they are also making preparations to provide the dais. They will decorate the dais cooperate by putting various patterns woven palm leaves and brightly colored flowers in every corner stage. Touch use palm leaves used by indigenous peoples Mah Meri quarter of uniqueness and difference is displayed with other indigenous tribes in the country. At the ceremony, the wedding ceremony begins with the groom shaman leads a group of girls together turn circles around the bride and smoked nets covered with incense. Ceremony was to cast out demons and avoid bad things. Rotation seven times and on the last lap, the groom should get the bride and flower turns. When the wedding ceremony, a ritual performed as a symbolic coin toss to determine the direction of freedom bride living in the household. During makan beradab, monitoring will ensure the bride eat and ended simultaneously so that they live a happy and long lasting household coped. If one of the bride in advance of their meal, it is believed that the commission will invite accidents in the household in the f
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